
Friday 2 January 2015

New Year's Day

Since everyone is posting about New Year and all, I also want to do the same. Just a short and simple post on what I did on New Year.

We went to Ikea and IPC, and while the three boys were walking happily in front, Princess Ribbon the "maid" tagged followed behind to push the stroller, carry their bags, water bottles and of course, to snap pictures, haha.

G made a scene before we left Ikea, showed tantrums and all.

He won in the end! See the new soft toy? He got hold of this "sausage dog" at the Ikea check out area - RM23.90.

Happy New Year, many more good things to come, and ok bye!


  1. Louiz, so nice you went to IPC and Ikea but too bad you were still on duty hah..hah... Just hang on tight for a few more years then it will be the two boys turn to carry bags for you :) Aiyo G also know how to throw tantrums ah? You all didn't want to buy him that sausage dog is it? But look at him, so contented sucking susu and holding on to his new pet. The pink Hello Kitty pillowcase is cute. I am sure that is your pillow :D

    1. Morning sweetie.. Yeah, when the boys are bigger, then my life easier a bit.. But then, if they are bigger, means I'm older liao, sobs, haha.. Errr, we didn't want to buy him any toys from Ikea, they are not cheap, but he kept holding on to this sausage thing, we gave in, haha.. Yep, my pillow, clever girl :)

  2. He might hug this until he is 20 or 30 years old. Remember to keep taking photos, then you can embarrass him at every opportunity when he gets older ;)

    1. Eh, but hor, he needs to hold his bolster everyday leh, even at the daycare.. No, it's not bantal busuk, I make sure I wash it everyday.. But he just needs to hold the bolster wherever he goes leh..

    2. I suspect RealGunners has a soft toy that has been hugged from infant till today!!! Show us your dog or cat toy animal! Muahahahaha

  3. Lol. A very worthy "maid" lah. The boys love you more for who you are and what you do. ^^

    Haha. Nice sausage dog. I always want a real one though. Thought it is cute.

    1. The sausage dog looks very funny, skinny, with a long body and the nose looks like a rat, haha.. But it's cute la.. hehe..

  4. I guess he must be so 'in love' with the "sausage dog" that he has to hugs it to sleep and will not let go of it, hehe...

    1. New toilet ma, first few days maybe hug to sleep.. After that, maybe he will throw aside liao, haha..

  5. Love your first pic! Beautiful show of parenting bonding and love.

  6. G throw tantrums at mall? hmmnnn...time for zZZzzz? i m not sure but i would be very happy to stay in the mall when i was a kid! when time to go home, i pull a sad face.

    1. Me also, I also think the same leh.. I thought all kids love going out and eating out.. But my kids different.. Kz always says he wana go home, hmmpphhh...

  7. Reading your post makes me think of my mum now. She used to be like you when I was a kid where there are 2 boys in my family too. Now mummy is so frail and fading while our roles have been reversed. Hope you will enjoy and treasure all the happy moments. Good that you have photos to keep all details. Your sons would love your blog when they have grown up. Hope our internet will still keep our blogs. Happy New Year again Princess.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment.. Yeah, in a blink of an eye, they might be taking my bags for me, hehe.. I hope so too, that the internet can still keep our blogs in 20 yr's time to come :)

  8. hahaha.....G is so cute!! Glad he won ...hehehe...

    1. G memang kaki manja and merajuk a lot.. haizzz..

  9. Happy New Year to you, Princess Ribbon.

  10. so nice to go shopping with your family on new year day. I had to work as the boss refused to close shop.

    1. We just went out for less than 2 hours coz the kids get restless pretty fast..

  11. Happy New Year to you and your family, Princess Ribbon. So nice of you to let the father bonds with the sons while you take care of the rest of the things.

    1. G wants to get down from the stroller to walk, so the father has to hold their hands and walk, while I takecare of the stroller lor..

  12. Haha!! Your baby is so adorable!! Happy New Year!! May 2015 be a great one for you and your family!! Love how you put yourself as the maid on the post. Funny!! :-)

    1. Hello Billy.. Same to you, happy new year and a better 2015 ahead :)

  13. My son will act the same thing, sit or lie on the floor if we din't give what he wants >.<

    1. Both boys get restless pretty fast.. Maximum 1.5-2 hours at the shopping mall only..

  14. Hi Louiz,

    Happy New Year to you and your family!!! We didn't do much for our break too... Just road trips, hiking and also some shopping!!! ... but shopping with kids and hubby is not so good :p


    1. Gip me 5! You understand me the most.. Shopping with hubby still ok (he waits outside while we enter those shops) but shopping with the kids, errr, no thanks :)

  15. wah, not bad woh, so nice woh.. went to IPC Mall, instead of just staying at home doing housework, hehehehehe!! walk walk walk, and then ended up spending more at the checkout counter!! that is always a reason why they want to put some knick-knacks and what-nots at the checkout counter, so that while you are queuing to pay and got nothing to do, you will "shop" around those items and alas!! you conveniently dump in that thing into your cart and there gone another RM20-RM30~~ :p

    1. Hello.. Just had lunch *burrrppp*
      Ya lor, happy for me hor, we went out and not just stayed at home and cooked noodles with ABC soup, teehee.. Yeah, the sausage dog was at the cashier there, like a few steps before the cashier area, smart...

  16. Best wishes for a Happy and Better New Year, Princess!

    1. You too sweetie.. Yes I really need a better new year :)

  17. Replies
    1. Same to you too.. Happy new year to you & family..

  18. Happy New Year Princess.

    The kids very tall leh... :)

  19. He sausage dog reminds me of the toy story dog, the "spring" dog that one!!!
