
Wednesday 22 July 2015


Rant post ahead.

G's nursery is having extended Raya holidays for one whole week, from 20th til 24th July. So I had no choice but to ask for my mum's help to takecare of G for the whole week. She agreed and has no problem with that. 

She brought G out to shopping malls and restaurants alone. Ok, I don't mind that. Without the car seat. Ok, I try to "close eyes" on that too. If the shopping mall is too faraway from home, she calls a cab and bring G along, alone. Ok, that one too I won't say anything. She cannot "sit still", I understand.  

But now, I want to rant on this one. G has not poo-ed for two days. Finally yesterday night, mum reported through Whatsapp and said finally G has poo-ed. 

I replied, "Good, thank God". 
She replied, "I pumped him".
***The "pump" is enema, small "pump" filled with liquid medicine to be inserted into the anus to stimulate poo-ing.

My mood was alright the whole evening until she told me about this. He doesn't have any constipation problem, just late in poo-ing, why can't she just wait? She could feed some bananas, or give more water. Why she wanted to interfere with the pump? Oh God, please don't let her start with this pump thing, G still has 3 more days with her there. I really hate dislike it when mum behaves like she knows best and "lek mm chit" (pandai-pandai).

Hubby asked me not to argue with her in Whatsapp anymore, else if she says, "If you are so papai, then just come and pickup your son home", then die. True. I stopped the conversation, tried to forget everything and went to bed. 

Ok, I know I should be thankful as I still have my parents here with me, and I can ask for their help if there's any emergency cases, like this one. But....... having an "educated" and "modern" mum and who can't "sit still" at home, erm, stress. I prefer the nursery than mum's place. Really.

Ok bye!


  1. I don't know much about kids, but this is already some sort of AI, Artificial Interference, isn't it? Anything if you try to force it out using unnatural means is always not good, right? Even poop.

    Most of my female colleagues, they would "work from home" to tend to their kids if their babysitters becomes unavailable for a week or two. Maybe this is one of the good things about working with flexi American MNC.

    1. Ya lor, I always envy those who can work from home or can work flexi hours.. Here, both none, huhuhu..

    2. You can sign up to be property agent and work from home. I met one agent who took her baby son everywhere to show houses. Just one sale, she can goyang legs for 3 months!

    3. I wish! If can, no need become property agent.. Stay at home bake cupcakes also can, but I doc. Quack, no good in baking, huhuhu..

    4. Maybe it is time to invest in the Tortor jackpot, if kena then can retire, da pai kiok dou mm sai yau... ;)

  2. Yah hor, why so weird, should just start to eat some bananas or drink lots of water first, why have to that first, I thought that only wait until very serious then only do so lo!!

    1. Geram kan? But cannot say so much, depend on other people's help is like that, haizzz...

  3. I was shocked to hear this pump being used on a kid. No big harm but it's not necessary at all. Just let him drink plenty of Peel Fresh orange and he will bomb toilet all day. I understand this frustration of having to zip your mouth when you had no choice. We know you love your cute son very much. Chill and relax that he is in good hands.

    1. It's just 2 days and she so kan-cheong wana use the pump.. She said she's worried if she doesn't pump soon, he will poo in his diaper while asleep, and it would be mafan to change his diaper at night, grrrrrr...

  4. Hi Louiz! Ranting today, ah? Good also because can update your post :) OK, so your mum used enema of G (he has grown quite a lot!) because he didn't poo poo for 2 days and you are upset. So I pun sibuk-sibuk go and google on usage on enema on small kids. Apparently, it is normal and sometimes doctors suggest if the constipation is bad lah. Of course, it is better to do it natural way. Maybe your mum is anxious and thought what she did was a good solution. Hang on, a few more days only till the weekend and you can take him back.

    1. Yeah, ranting post.. Something different ma, hehe.. Oh yes, just 2 days and she wana use the pump already.. I asked why, she said she doesn't want G to poo in his diapers at night while sleeping, then very mafan to wipe/change diapers in the middle of the night.. Nak senangkan diri la tu..

  5. My girl needed that when she was small. She was scared of shit (or anything dirty) so she would keep and keep and keep till it is stone hard. No choice, had to use it on her. Once it was so so so hard, it blocked the outlet - the fresh ones were coming out by the we had to take her to the hospital - the doctor used the spatula (the wooden ice cream stick) to get it out!!! Not easy taking care of thankful you have someone to help out.

    Must drink lots of water, eat lots of roughage - lots of fruits like bananas, papayas...and do it regularly - otherwise, sure will constipate - the more you keep, the harder it will get and the harder it will be to get it out. Prune juice may help in not too severe cases.

    1. Maybe she took him out all the time - did not drink water and may let him eat things like burgers and fried chicken. Too much meat, sure constipation one. When I go travelling and I don't drink water (I drink non-stop at home), guarantee constipate!!!

    2. Yeah I think he eats outside food all the time, so no drink water.. Or maybe change of environment, so no pangsai.. Happens to adults too.. Change of environment or if we are travelling, sure no pangsai.. Hope mum doesn't use the enema anymore.. I told her about bananas and lots of water.. Let's hope G got poopoo la..

  6. Only 3 more days.... watch ninja Hatori..yan yan yan yan......

  7. Maybe she kan cheong that G 2 days no poo poo, so used that...

    1. If another 2 days no poopoo, then use another one? sigh....

  8. wah so good ah, school holidays extended till end of the week, but then takkan also you take leave just to stay home for so many days right?? luckily (and maybe at times not so lucky) you can ask your mom to take care of G..

    errr, not putting him on baby seat in the car?? err, quite dangerous woh, at least make him sit behind and buckle up the seat belt lor.. this is for his safety lah.. should let your mom aware of that lor..

    two days no poo-poo?? hmmm so it's considered as normal for a mommy who doesn't poo-poo everyday but every three to four days?? haha.. well, I think different people have different ways and methods to take care and look after a child lor.. but your mom actually should consult you first lah, coz you would know G better.. anyway, she also did that for goodwill lah..

    actually have to observe whether he has constipation or that's just how his body works.. of course it would be good to poo-poo at least once everyday, two days still okay, but longer then the toxin will accumulate in the body lor.. if that happens perpetually or when his body starts to get used to it, you really have to look into this issue.. probably from the dietary perspective..

    anyway, two more days to go, just tell your mom no need to pump anymore until you bring him back home tomorrow lor.. haiz!! tough situation huh?? both palm and back of palm also flesh~~ :p

    1. I like your last sentence.. Both palm and back palm also flesh.. And you know what, everyday for 5days, I receive whatsapp message every 5-10 minutes, starts as early as 2am, ends at 10pm when my mum sleeps.. She sends messages like "your son this this this, your son that that that"... Sigh..

  9. I can understand a mother's anxiety like your case... very hard to sound out, right? Like your hubby said, better not argue... Raya hols is going to end soon... :)

    1. No argue, I stopped it lor, what to do.. Later ask me take back the kid immediately, how? Like SK said, both palm and back palm also flesh.. And, I still need her help in future..

  10. Wah, your mother is so modern, must go out everyday. You have to yan lor if you want her to continue taking care of G since both you and your husband cannot take leave to take care of G. At least your mother is willing to help you. I know some mothers who will not help their daughters to take care of their children at all. Your inlaws can't help take care of G also?

    1. In laws older than my parents, and they have 2 grandkids to takecare as well.. Susah jugak.. Yep, mum is the modern type, cannot sit still one.. She hinted once before, that she wants to bring G along for mahjong session.. My oh my....

  11. I think she also worry about G not pooing and being a grandma, she is good to help you sometimes but I do agreed that she should not use pump as the solution. Not good for young kid.

    You just calm down. Do not think too much. Today is 24th and weekend is here!!! ;) Happy weekend, my dear.

    1. Yep, I didn't think (tried), and G is back with me already now.. And he still poo as usual in the potty timm..

  12. Wow! Enemas are the last resort, I know coz once you start using them, it's very hard to go "naturally" without taking them. Same thing with laxatives, you just can't go if you start taking them. I used to be on opiates (heroin, morphine, oxycodone etc) and that really causes SERIOUS constipation so I used to do enemas and take laxatives too but after I quit all drugs I realized I can't go without enemas...

    Your body becomes used to it and it took a long time (1 year?) before I can go naturally again after rehab...

    I agree in that your mom is just trying to help but I don't think enemas are suitable for kids.

    1. What to do? That's the thing when we ask people for help (including our own parents).. We can't sound them, can't say anything if we are unhappy or we think the way's not right.. I can only keep quiet (coz I still need her help in future when the kids are sick, nursery/tadika on long holidays, etc)..

    2. Yeah, true in a way, but I'm sure she's happy to help. I'll be if my daughter/son has daughters/sons of their own in the future. :)

  13. Hi Louiz,

    You are lucky that you have your mum to help. I know grandma is never the same as mum... They are always relaxed with discipline so that grandma are always the best... LOL! Having said that, I have no one to rely on when my son has no school and no holidays care to go and so I can really appreciate and value any help that I can get :p


    1. Yes, I know what you mean.. Those staying in out-station or other states also, I understand.. When their kids are sick, or if there's a long holiday, they gotta send thier kids back to hometown, or go fetch the grandparents down to KL to stay over for a week..

  14. Hi Princess Ribbon, I was at Coffee Girl's blog noticed your interesting callsign and busybody over.
    Reminds me of that song 'Pretty Ribbons'. You heard it before?
    Love the pics of your boy, he sure knows how to relax, ha ha.

    Love your this interest posting and of your mom. Ya Moms do sometimes make us naik angin. But as the saying goes, "Moms know best". Ha ha.
    You stay easy, have a nice day.

    1. Elo Lee, nice to see you here.. Yep, grandma always says "I gave birth and raised all of you without problems, yada yada".. So I can only keep quiet coz I still need her help in future when the kids are sick or when the nursery has long holidays..

  15. Hi dear, how are you?

    Well, what I can say is, lucky this is your mum in this case, imagine if it's your mum in law, lagi lah susah nak deal! At least it's our own mum, so not that difficult to deal with.

    1. Agree also, but own mum or mil, I still keep quiet lor.. If talk too much, susah jugak since I still need her help in future..

  16. i never knew you could "pump" kids. heh. but young kids shouldnt need too much medication. there are many food that makes you poop much right? LOL. Like papaya??

    anyway mom still brings us up well. so we can have a little more faith in mom.

  17. Hi Princess, sorry about the earlier comment. Was not able to comment again there so thought I'd do it here.

    Wow! Not a planned one but hey, look on the bright side. Congratulations, still.. :D

    Also, thanks so much for keeping up the visits. YOU are such a darling. Take care now..

    1. I'm always consistent :) NOT in posting new post in my blog, but visiting other blogs I mean *wink*

  18. Been busy these few days? I was looking forward to a new post or rant but there was none. :p

    Haha. Kidding, kidding. Take care! :)

    1. Updated one today.. Perhaps you can give suggestion for my questions, I didn't tag anyone though..

  19. don't worry, I do coffee enema 2-3 times a month, it did not disturb my usual morning going to toilet habit. You might need more help from your mum when your 3rd little one comes along..
