
Friday 14 August 2015

Tag Post

Very surprised to receive this tag/nomination from Rose, thank you. I'll give this a try, hehe.

The Rules of The Award:
1. Thank the person who nominated you with a link back to his/her blog.
2.Answer the questions given to you by the nominator.
3.Nominate (and notify) other bloggers for the award that have fewer than 500 followers.
4. Create 11 questions (or less) for your nominees.
5. Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them.
6. Display the Liebster Award logo on your page. List these rules on your post. 

Rose's questions are:

1. How do you spend your perfect weekend?
Ever since having two kids (and one more on the way), no more perfect weekend already. To me, perfect weekend means spending time with hubby, go makan, jalan-jalan, movies. But with kids around, can't do that anymore. I spend most of the time at home, and only go to mil's and my mum's during the weekend. Life is like a prison, not complaining, but this is the reality, unless you have maids and you marry a rich Dato's son.

2. If you could be an animal for a day, what is the perfect animal for you and why?
Hmm, maybe a bird? I want to fly up high, feel the freedom and all. And go peep at whoever I want to peep at, be a stalker, haha. 

3. If there is anything you would like to change about yourself or life, what would it be and why?
Tricky question. Maybe yes. I would want to marry earlier as my dream is to "kautim" to have all kids before age 30, but I'm in my mid 30's now, and #3 baru on the way, so, not so ideal anymore, huhuhu.

Err, I don't know how to tag others, and I'm worried some people do not like to be tagged/nominated/answer questions. So whoever interested can do the same thing as I did, and my questions to them would be:

1) If you strike jackpot (not pregnant ok, I'm talking about the 4D jackpot thingy), what would you do.
2) Describe how you cook 3 meals (breakfast, lunch & dinner) with RM10. Dinner must have a soup and AT LEAST two dishes. List down the food & price.
3) Give me 5 suggestion for a baby boy's (English) name - 2 syllabus.

Ok bye !


  1. Wah! I like your no 3 question. So baby #3 is a boy? Again??? ^^

    But boy or girl, as long as baby is healthy.

    Thank you for doing this tag. Enjoy reading your answers.

    1. Yep, #3 is a boy.. Need names suggestions :)

    2. How about Sherman?? Nice name wat........

    3. How come SK didn't see this one?? Hahahaha...

  2. Your answers are so cute and funny indeed. That's your style that always tickle our ribs.
    That Bluedreamer blogger also tagged me and I replied all his question in his blog but he just gave me cold feet.

    Everything in life happens as per fate, so look at it as the right timing. If you had kids much earlier, you could not enjoy your youths and probably not ready "mentally". I replied Bluedreamer that if I could turn back the clock and change my life.....I would take up the job offer and move to Chicago to live & work there! Now look at our ringgits, I am sweating!!!! If our economy fails like Greece, many of us will be jobless. Now Thailand's money changers have turned away all Malaysian ringgits today. So shame la.

    1. Let me go home and seriously think of 5 wonderful names for your baby.

    2. Sherman ok wor, but then, it makes me think of Proffesor Klumps, hmmphh...

    3. Wakakaka... Thambee is Sherman and he gonna whack me soon.

      1. If I strike Jackpot, I will export white coffee to China and buy more lottery to strike more jackpot.
      2. It is easy to make Mama Instant Tom Yam with its soup and throw in one egg for 3 meals. I have eaten like that before.
      3. If I have 5 sons, I will name them Jordan. Damian, Cornelius, Hanson and Najib.

    4. WTF! Why auto spell Najib pula???
      It should be Jordan, Damian, Cornelius, Hanson and Marcus.

    5. I'm laughing so loud now.. I was like, what, Najib ?? Puh-leeese...

    6. How can Marcus autocorrect become Najib? Please lah... XD

      Actually he not bad ma... although is yong sui lah, but then he is very rich. No good meh?

    7. wakakakakakakakakakakakaka.........i know you Loveeeeeeee najib la....

      Nice name mah Najib. Just don't mispell into najis the okay jor lo. With my ceh kai typo sure mispell one.

    8. Hey RG! My stupid phone has small keyboard with my fat fingers. The letters M & N are neighbours la followed by letter A. I have been cursing Najis and typed his name 1001 times until phone memory toxic already.

    9. Meow...phiak your mulut and tie your tail into knots.

    10. Wakakaka. ..i thought you loveeeeeeee our PM very much till drwam also dream of him mah...

      Me typo error is biasa liao wor..typo queen. ..but you...muhahahahahah need taichi laaaaaapppp him berry machi la.

  3. Thank you for not tagging. I'm not into this kind of thing. No. 3 on the way, how many do you plan to have? Half a dozen? :D

  4. wah.. got awards woh.. congratulations for receiving the Liebster Awards from Rose woh.. and you are so understanding to those who do not like to be tagged or given "virtual" awards, thumbs up for you!!

    #1.. meaning you are looking forward to probably a week or a month "prison-less" holiday in a place you can shop and eat and play and enjoy, without having to care about your boys at home??

    #2.. errr, i thought you wanna be a butterfly.. because ribbon = butterfly mah, not meh?? haha..

    #3.. well, just be happy with what we are.. if we have life changed, it may not be a good thing, you know lah, if you changed something sure got ripples affecting one another de..

    oooh.. you are asking around for suggestions of a boy's name?? so meaning confirmed seeing "chee goo ding" in your stomach?? oh my, three boys it is going to be, no girl for you to "ban leng leng" for her tim!! and 5 names for your boy?? hehehe.. call him DAI-MUI (bring a sister) lah, muahahahahaha!!

    1. Eh, not you answer my questions meh? Why mix mix with Rose's questions one.. Yep, saw kukubird liao, next week checkup see one more time clearly.. Dai Mui? Aiyoyo, like lastime punyer name like Mui Tao ahh, hehe..

  5. Hi Louiz! I wanna answer your questions, OK?

    1. If I strike Jackpot million million ringgit, I will quit my job!
    2. There is no way I can cook 3 meals with just RM10.
    3. Baby boy's name :
    - Kevin
    - Desmond
    - Patrick
    - Bryan
    - Matthew

    When is your baby due? Can't wait to see him!

    1. You will be the baby's God Ma and please cook & bake a Full Moon feast for us bloggers to Partay!

    2. Eh, I think possible with RM10.. Soda biscuits with milo (free from pantry) for bfast, bread with jam or butter+sugar for lunch, spinach+ikan bilis soup, fried egg & 1 biji steamed hamtan for dinner, hehehe...

    3. You said cook lah, your breakfast and lunch is not cook at all >.<

    4. Lewis, I mean for the name, hehe!

    5. Lewis, like calling myself, but can consider :)

    6. I cooked Maggie mee with different flavour (curry, chicken, tom yam) for breakfast, lunch and dinner....kira tak?
      hmmm, still can add in some freshly picked veggie from my garden as first dish + dish 2: omelette + soup: egg drop soup/spinach soup... very budget meal leh...

  6. I don't want to tag others lah, so I think I better not take this challenge up.
    - If you marry a rich Dato son, there will be other obligations and complications too, and I think you will soon wish you marry not so rich guy pulak. It is not all roses on the other side >.<...
    - You mean you wanna have more than 3? How many you want? :D

    1. No lah, I mean I wana kautim having all kids before age 30, lastime only want 2 lah, mana tau now got #3, and I'm over 30 already..

  7. hahaha... I also don;t like to be tag. Anyway, congrats on your bb boy! still young wat... 30 only!

    1. Mid 30's.. Yeah, so I didn't tag anyone.. Whoever wana answer my questions can do so here, I wana read it..

  8. hahaha am one of thos who lazy to tag and be tag.

    wah those question ah ...hard dei

    1. strike jackpot ah...keep quiet lo...wanna broadcast ah? nanti kena hounded by so many people asking for donation leh

    2. tarak tau how to cook 3 meals with RM10. Maybe have to ask that Maslan Taikor.He knows how to cook fried rice leh

    3. Errrr.... I'll go back to old bible names like Joseph (God raises), Isaac(ones who bring laughter), Patrick (a nobleman), Charles (Freeman) and Daniel (the lord is my Judge)

    1. Wah, canggih man.. Meow knows the meaning of names also.. Yes yes, some very nice & meaningful one..

  9. all the best everyone, thanks for dropping by~

    1. Post that I like to read, I'll come back for more, simple..

  10. Hi Louiz,

    You are so funny and cute! ...and I really love and look forward reading the things you wrote in your blog. Very heart warming and real. Sad that you have been slowing down in your blogging lately because of your pregnancy. Hope that you will be back again for more interesting stories :D

    I'm very happy for you that you are given this awards :D No need to be dato's wife lah. Being happy is important!

    Jia yu!


    1. Thanks Zoe.. Your words are always comforting and happy to read.. Yeah I slowed down in the beginning when I was pregnant.. Then slowly slowly, when I stop already, malas wana continue, haizzzzz, human...

    2. Hi Louiz,

      How are feeling? I hope that you are all good. I'm feeling bad that you visited my blog with all the lovely comments and I have not been doing much at yours :p


    3. Getting lazy already to blog.. I prefer reading other blogs and comment there now. haha..

  11. Congrats for another baby boy on the way. SIL has 3 boys too and I think she can manage all the boys in the house just well.. U will too haha.

  12. A bird? That's a clever answer! come think of it, it's a good choice for a day. :-)

    1. Yeah, I wana be a stalker to some people that I like/admire, so being a bird is the best.m

  13. So long never do tag liao, hmm may be I can write about it when I am running outta ideas :P

    Baby boy names ar, erm go Google la, a lot leh!

    1. Yeah, don wana tag lor, scared, hehe.. Malas wana google, hehe..

  14. hello blogger. dropping by your site today. great post. good day to you. :)

  15. Good to know more about you. I don't like to do tags on my blog but I like to answer them in comments so since your questions are so interesting I am going to answer them here. I hope you don't mind.

    1. Keep half for myself and immediate family to last us till we die and the other half, set up a scholarship to help needy children to go to school.

    2. RM10 not possible at all. You need to buy in bulk to get cheap prices and that costs you more than RM10. Buy RM100 worth of food and cook 3 meals for 10 days so that means RM10 per day for 3 meals. That is possible but you need RM100 and not RM10 to start with.

    3. Since your eldest son's name starts with K, 2nd son's name starts with G, this mean 3rd son's name must start with C so here are the suggestions
    i. Charlie
    ii. Christian
    iii. Conan
    iv. Caesar
    v Caleb

    1. I like reading your reply.. For #1, same as you, for my family la, who else, then the rest for the children's education etc.. #2, hmm maybe possible.. I tried egg drop+spinach soup and steamed egg for dinner and it works.. But bfast and lunch same thing-bread with cheese+mayo.. #3, interesting, I like Conan :)

    2. Is #2 possible with only RM10 in your hand, you go to the market and buy raw food to cook for 3 meals in one day? Got people sell 3 cups of rice only?

    3. Conan is like the anime Conan the detective. Very smart boy. :)

  16. 1) If you strike jackpot (not pregnant ok, I'm talking about the 4D jackpot thingy), what would you do.

    Stop working, go travel the world with my better half and set up trust fund for the kids. Assuming this is a 10-20 million Jackpot, 3-4 million still have to work nowadays.

    2) Describe how you cook 3 meals (breakfast, lunch & dinner) with RM10. Dinner must have a soup and AT LEAST two dishes. List down the food & price.

    This is hard for me, especially under RM 10. I'll ask my dear to cook chicken rice and have it for all 3 meals. But chicken rice would cost more than RM 10, 3 drums (one for each meal) would be close to RM 8 dy.

    3) Give me 5 suggestion for a baby boy's (English) name - 2 syllabus.


    1. I like Jasper, might consider, hehe..
      Egg drop soup with fishballs, still can make it for less than RM2 per pot, but not for fussy eaters :(

  17. For the third question, your answer makes me think of what I want to achieve in my life. As a contractor, I have been offering parquet flooring repair services for many years. I think its time for me to try out other services for my business.
