
Tuesday 28 January 2014

Be My Sports Car

"I hope you will be my sports car" was the sentence my boss said before I left the room.

You see, he called me into the room about a month ago, to discuss about some stuffs about the company. I don't have to go into details the stuffs we discussed (company objectives, future plans, suggestions, recommendations, counter-measure, other what-nots). Trust me, you would be bored (to death). Mostly "chui sui" (blow water) only, you know what I mean? 

So, I was trying to impress him by pretending to be very enthusiastic with the discussion, but I wasn't proposing or giving ideas on how to improve (what he was planning to improve). All the time, I was "blowing water", he seemed impressed.

I wasn't giving proposals, I was yakking grandmother stories. I was yakking things like, "Well, nothing's impossible, most important the employees gotta have motivation you know? When they are motivated, their effectiveness & efficiency will increase, thus, company performance will improve".


Then, I have ran out of words to say. But he was still giving me that "I-am-impressed-go-on-talk-to-me" look, so I went on saying this:

I think you just need the right people under you. When your team have the same direction as you, then all thing's possible. You know, subordinates are just like sports cars. If you know how to drive them, they will be able to bring you to your destination at top speed, speed that can make your jaw drop (What? Jaw drop? Why am I even saying this?). But if your can't control them, then you end up like Paul Walker.

Paused. For like 3 seconds. (I felt stupid already).

He asked "Who is Paul Walker"?

My mind was turning fast. I had to think fast. Speak fast. "Like Michael Shumacher" (in his current vege state) I said. He nodded and said "Ooohh I see I see".


Fast forward, today, one month later, he called me into the room to discuss something, and before I left the room, he said "Louiz, I expect you to do more starting from today, you can come and see me anytime you want if you have proposals, my door is always opened".

I said "OK" and stood up.

"I hope you will become my sports car", he added.

Gawd, I felt the pressure already. I hate this. I honestly don't like when the boss gives me pressure and tells me "I expect you to........", and now, there's this stupid sports car thingy. I wish I can tell him I am just an empty (Easter) egg shell. Looks nice on the outside, but empty inside. I am only good in yakking. I hate extra work. I hate to work. I hate work.

*Phiak* my own mouth for it. Stupid sports car.

Ooohh, I always end my post with my own picture (if I can't find any pictures suitable for my post), so here am I, taking selfie-photos of myself after I drafted this post. Psst, it was a Monday, so the ribbon princess wore a blue dress, blue cardigan and a matching blue ribbon clip ~ Monday blue.
P/S: Suka tengok boleh tengok, tak suka tengok tak payah tengok.


  1. First time I heard of boss hoping for employee to be sports car! VROOM! VROOOM!....
    You should share with us how to act and impress our bosses when inside is nothing. Write as proposal that all employees should start blogging to improve their English and communication skills. Tell him to read SK's blogs and that you would be the Queen of Spams this season. Muahahaha

    1. that is indeed a very creative and innovative proposal.. muahahahaha!! :D

    2. Haha, can can !! Very unique proposal of yours TM.. I shall propose all employees to blog about work, how nice their management is treating them, and how motivated they are to come to work everyday. Get them to share the secrets of "loving to come to work everyday"..

      Gosh, I can't imagine if everyone starts to blog in the office.. Then everyday they will tuk-tuk on their pc non stop liao..

  2. Times have changed and it is difficult to find good workers besides keeping them to work for a long time. That's where you need to create 'Future Hopes" for the staff to work longer and harder. Boss needs to show the future chart of his company's growth to motivate the employees and offer loyalty programs. Talk is cheap and easy but which boss is so nice these days??

    1. Show charts? Ala, those pie charts la, numbers la, graphs la, everyone sure yawn (but of coz pretend to be very interested looking at the charts and nodding their heads to agree everything the boss is saying)..

  3. wah, your yada-yada and blowing water also blow until very good lor, instead very great talk there lah, no wonder your boss would be impressed.. i am impressed too, especially when you use your sports car analogy to explain your views.. well, what you said isn't nonsense at all but got the point, of course you are not going to give details proposal or suggestion - that would be your boss's responsibility and job to do..

    1. Wei, you sure boh? If you are the boss you won't think I'm just an empty shell blowing water meh? I also dunno how come I can yak yak yak, yak until sports car wor.. Kam ngam that time Paul Walker's news was everywhere ma, in FB la, in the news la, etc.. So I ma thought of him and associated with sports car lor, hehe..

  4. an lah, you super blowing water, of course your boss also have expectation on you mah, and somemore called you in for a closed-door talk.. become his sports car somemore woh.. so it's either you bring him to his destination with a jaw drop, or you make him Paul Walker!! ooopsss, touch wood, of course i didn't really mean that lah.. just the same meaning you intended to bring out during your discussion lah..

    1. Frankly, I don't like commitments lor (at work).. Gosh, I hope nobody from the office will find out about this blog, keke.. So when the boss said "I expect you to......" , wah, very pressured lor.. Talk pandai, but when people really expects something from you, sei for lor, that is the time I feel pressured, coz I'm only good at impressing someone.. If really ask me to perform, haih...

  5. muahahaha, what a lame excuse la you Auntie Ribbon.. purposely want to show us your selfie camwhore and then give excuses that you cannot find a photo to post.. your title is sports car mah, then just post a sports car photo lor.. hahahaha!! but today is tuesday already woh, you should post about tuesday and not monday lah, we don't look back but we look forward mah (muahaha, another point for you to blow water to your boss lor)..

    1. Wei, shhhhh!!! Why you so direct one?
      Yep, I like to camwhore ma, I like to take selfie photos, take until the one I'm happy with, then I will choose that one lor.. Tell, which girl isn't like this leh? Kekekeke..
      I will use the front camera of my phone, snap snap snap, like 30-40 pieces, then I slowly choose the best one, kekekeke...

    2. la ..camwhore sound so vulgar. Say selfie. More si mun like your princess ribbon status ma :)

  6. I like reading your posts, Louiz.... They are very enlightening....(song to read) hahaha... Hope your boss wont read this post here... He might ask you to put first gear...jia more yakking here then we all cham..very sien liow...
    Ok, what am I yakking about now??

    1. You really like reading my posts ahh? Hehehe, wah, very happy hearing it..
      Mostly daily happenings la, a bit of parenting, a bit of cooking & (lousy) baking, a bit of the kids, a bit of work/rant and loads of nonsense :)

  7. Aiyor!!! Your boss does not know Paul Walker? Gee!

    1. Errr who is paul walker ah???

    2. Meowwwwwwwwwww... He is an actor la, in this Fast & Furious movie.. The tall and thin handsome one, not that fat and bald one, ok.

  8. Too much yakking. Some bosses love those stuff. Talk cock only

    Dont stress yourself. What ever it is, can wait after cny. Enjoy your holiday first.

    1. Yep, am being myself at the moment.. Still blogging and facebooking from my desktop, kekeke.. I am still me, no change :)

  9. Good hypothetical explanation to yr boss. LOL, cant help laughing.

    1. Glad I can make you laugh..
      I'm also laughing now by the way.
      But when he paused for a few seconds and asked me who is Paul Walker, I felt stupid and wished I had kept my mouth shut :)

  10. Don't wanna read

    Greet first

    Kung hei fatt choy. Chuk lei san lin fai lok. San tai kin hong.

    1. NATO at your boss ah. U better hope he no read this blog

    2. So wat sport car...felali or poh chi..

    3. Soli line sot sot dei cannot spam long sentence. Hv to press submit fai fai

  11. Hi Louiz! Gong Xi Fa Cai! So your boss expect some action and not only words, huh? Hope you had a nice CNY. I came home fatter of course. If didn't put on weight that means something is very wrong hee..hee...
