
Monday 27 January 2014

Normal Day, Normal Food

Confession: When I have run out of things to write, I will post about food and my home-cooked meals. Then for sure I will have and can have things to write about.
P/S: I no go vacation, no go holiday, no go out for meals, so I no write about trips and eating out lor, only can write about cooking lor :) 

I made breakfast for my family the other day. Eggs are a must for breakfast (I think). I mean, I can't think of anything else to cook if not eggs. Everything needs eggs. Like pancake, french toast, no? 

So I made scramble eggs. I beat 4 eggs, then mixed them with some salt, pepper and evaporated milk. Fried them in generous blobs of butter, yummz. I actually prefer runny texture, but because my boy is eating it too, I have to cook it longer, thus, it didn't really look scrambled & runny.

Next on the menu was garlic bread. Home made. No, not the bread, silly (I'm not that expert yet). I meant the garlic-butter. I chopped some fresh garlic and mixed into some butter in room temperature. I stirred the whole thing, spreaded onto my bread, and lightly fried them in my pan. I didn't have parsely, so I had to make-do without them. But it still tasted nice, albeit some garlic slightly burnt at the sides. You can make more garlic-butter this way, keep them in a container in your fridge, and use it anytime you want. Easy. But make sure the container is air-tight, else, the fridge will smell garlicky.

Lastly, something for my boy. Very simple food, I think readers who followed closely would have already yawned at this picture. What else for my boy if not macaroni in eggy soup? I have some leftover ABC soup (yeah, again) in the fridge, so I heated up the soup, boiled some macaroni and cracked an egg. 

We then went to my parents's place and spent the whole afternoon there. For dinner, we have some fish paste in the fridge, hand-mixed by the mother-in-law, so I made fish paste balls using the leftover ABC soup in the fridge, and boiled some yee-mein using the same soup base. My boy was shouting he wanted cheese, so I added some cheese on his plate. When I served this to him, he only finished half of what you can see below. No, not even half. No extra points for guessing where the rest ended up. Hint: Not the bin.

The hubs and me? Well, as you can see, I used back the same soup (what else), boiled yee-mein (again), threw in some Ikea beef meatballs, fish paste and added evaporated milk. So we have: Fish paste & meatballs yee-mein with milky soup. 

So there you have it, a normal day, with normal food. Nonsense post, yes? Well, nonsense or not, my like lah!


  1. Goid la,.. Eggs give lots of protein ma... Our body needs that to grow esp. Young people lime you and your family,... I cannot take too much eggs cos i am overgrown now...hahaha...

    1. Me? Not very young anymore, mid thirties, need to watch my diet too. But I still heart eggs. I love the yolk especially. Many people take the whites only. IMHO, I feel eggs is nothing without the yolk. The nutrients are all in the yolk, no?

  2. Do post up your daily meals.... As long as food, i sure like one!!

    1. Hehe, I worry if I post about food everyday, people will get jelak..
      Moreover "come come go go" always about home cooked (simple) food.. As I seldom get to dine out (because of the kids), so I am left as a prisoner at home :(

      But don't worry, food cannot run away from my blog.. I still need to post about food, coz my blog is a "mummy blog", mostly on parenting, kids, food (and a bit on work)..

  3. yalor, while some bloggers focus on writing about food and eating, like every dish they have on every meal in every day, i am just like you lah, nothing to write baru i go gorek some food photos to try to create some stories to make up a post, haha!! but of course not every time lah, sometimes if i am lucky and had something i find really special and delicious, i will straight away blog about the food and won't put them in the backups lah..

    1. Wah, now back to commenting in a single comment again ahh? I thought there was one time, you used to comment in a streak.. Hehe..
      Yep, I am the same as you. If that day, the food I ate/cook was very interesting, then of course will blog immediately about it..

  4. errr, true also lah, egg is almost a staple food mah.. and when you think about cooking breakfast at home, i think most probably egg comes into mind.. it's an easy dish and yet nutritional and can fill up the stomach, so why not?? aiyoh, this lazy princess ribbon, you can cook one set for your kids which is more cooked, and then another set for yourself which is more runny mah, it won't cost you a lot of extra time also mah..

    1. Eh, I very lazy one la.. I don't have that "sum kei" to cook twice lor.. But frankly, I really love runny texture..

      Usually (if I cook for myself), what I do is I heat up the pan with butter. When the pan is hot and the butter is melting fast, I throw in the (already beaten) eggs (with pepper & wee bit of salt) fast-fast into the pan, off the fire (yes, off the fire), then kacau kacau and scoop up. The texture is a bit raw, runny and oohhhh, heaven !!!

  5. aiyoh, you pan fried your garlic bread ah?? errr, that one is Gardenia, Hi-5 or Massimo? haha.. i thought you would just spread the garlic butter on them and then dump them all into the oven while you were doing your scrambled eggs lor.. but you didn't!! drop spectacles until the whole floor also shattered glasses lah~~ :D

    1. Haha, "tit ngan keng" ahh? Ya wor, I'm very lazy one you know rite.. But I don't know whay on earth that day hor, I didn't chuck it into the oven and toast it.. I "open wok" and fried the bread wor !! Maybe because I personally think (slightly) frying the bread will be more "wangi" than oven-baked kua..

  6. wah, your almighty ABC soup, muahahahaha!! and why your boy didn't even have half of those that you prepared for him?? aiyoh, like that must insaf a bit lah, either he didn't like it or you probably gave him too much already?? or you purposely cooked more so that the leftover can be donated to the "bandaraya" at home?? :p

    1. I know I know you are getting bored of my ABC soup.. Hubby always buys the same thing every weekend from the pasar.. Potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, onions & corn.. So boiling ABC soup is the only way to "get rid" of those vegetables fast, and in a wholesome way, haha..

      For the leftover soup, we usually put into glass jars, put in fridge lor.. But must makesure to use it all up within 1-2 days max.. Next day come back from work, "kuan tong" (simmer soup) or cook mee can use back the soup lor.. Fast and convenient..

  7. the macaroni with eggy soup looks good woh actually, i don't mind having that.. but then the one you put milk pretending that you are cooking fish head noodles, errr, that one i am taken aback a bit lah.. too "innovative" cooking for me jor, muahahahaha.. instead sometimes when i go eat fish head noodles, i will ask to not have milk with it, try different taste mah, sometimes got nen-nen sometimes no nen-nen..

    1. Hmm, if you say like that, I can assume you don't like fish head bihun, yes? And I assume you don't like milk too.. Ngam mou ahh?

      Gawd, I'm laughing now (but no fart come out ok) seeing your nen-nen word.. You ahh, really can make me laugh..

      Talking about laughing, I was laughing this morning reading your comments in STP's blog.. You are very straightforward to say you are too jelak to say his food looks good and can you come back tomorrow.. I almost burst into the ludest fart of my life reading it this morning !!!

  8. normal day?? err, not really normal lah, you were cooking woh.. normal food?? errr, definitely not normal lor, you can cook so many things out of your ABC soup woh!! nonsense?? aiyoh, i think we bloggers are always blogging about nonsense most of the time what.. :D

    1. I cooked these on a weekend..

      So my meaning of normal day means: weekends is just another normal day for me.. Some people look forward to weekends like it's a kena lottery day.. But to me, it's another normal day, with lots of housework to do, no going out and taking care of two kids..

      Normal food refers to simple and cincai cooking lor, no eating out, no fancy food lor..

  9. Scrambled, do it like me for runny, creamy ones, the way I like it!

    1. Oh yes, I remembered your post about scrambled eggs. I stalked your blog same time as I stalked SK's blog, remember? I learnt something new from you everyday you know? I didn't know we could boil the egg for while first before (lightly) frying them again..
