
Thursday 23 January 2014


Call me a bad mum, I don't even know why I am posting this. I felt so guilty I think I could only express and let out my feelings through blogging about it.

I was just away for 3 seconds (yes, read: 3 seconds) and this happened to baby G.

Kenzie boy was holding a pencil writing some stuff on a piece of paper. I was holding baby G and accompanying him while he played with his toys. My phone rang and I rushed to pick it up and when I turned around, shiat! Kenzie boy scratched baby's face with his pencil! Look at the pencil marks scratches. Half a centimetre more and it would have kena his eyes already! I felt so bad after that. 

Of course Kenzie boy kena some scolding from me, together with my killer stares. But I did not use the cane. I don't even have a cane at home. Should I get one? Or kids nowadays are not afraid of the cane already?

P/S: I still made his favourite pancake (with strawberry jam) that day for tea time. I guess I am not so bad mum afterall. 

Err, and yes, I still took selfie photos with him in the evening. 
P/S: Suka tengok boleh komen, kalau tak suka tengok, tak payah komen. 
Aku memang suka selfie-selfie depan camera, so? 


  1. Never mind, all part of growing up!

    1. Hello you are early today :)
      Still feeling guilty til today actually, sigh

  2. Accidents like this one is really inevitable. Kids are kids!

    1. Yeah, sigh, I still feel bad about it tho'..
      Imagine if the pencil really kena baby's eyes *shrug*

  3. It happens, Louiz.. we are mothers but not the Super Duper ones.. we don't have eyes behind our heads, we do not have sixth sense what's going to happen next... so having saying that, we are humans after all.. hahahaa...
    Those days I kept a cane in the house.. .just for Berlagak only.. for Threatening purposes... no cane, cannot survive.... hahaha.. .

    1. Yeah, I always say the same thing, in fact, it is my favorite phrase: I don't have eyes behind my head!

      The only thing I can do is to be more alert lor, and keep all sharp objects from the big boy when the baby is around :(

  4. Dont worry too much. You are doing fine.

    Nice pancakes.

    1. The pancakes may look ugly (SK commented they look like mushrooms minus the batang) but they tasted good. We ate with strawberry jam and butter that day. "Kiap" two pieces with strawberry jam in between. Taste good *hehe, self praise*

  5. OMG that is scary!! but then you cannot blame yourself too, because accidents always happen and we are very sure that you did not wish that to happen.. lucky was that the pencil did not kena Baby G's eye lah.. and Baby G did not cry also??

    1. That's the thing lor.. baby G didn't really cry hard, that's why I was dilly-dallying with the phone, talk talk talk, yak grandma stories, then only I came back to baby G.. Then I was like "wat the...." ... I can't imagine if the pencil really kena through his eyes, then how *shrug*

    2. eh BB G sound like J la. He got bungalow alsovtarak cry the house down leh...

  6. it depends how you bring up the kids and how the kids will respond to your scoldings or punishments.. but then i think no harm having a cane at home, but whether you want to use it or not, you will judge on the situation.. but of course would be better if you don't have to use it, i guess if your killer stare is good enough, you don't need the cane also.. what is more important is the aftermath lah i personally think.. no use to scold and punish but the kids didn't know where they did wrong.. must talk to them and let them know why they are punished, and that it's not right to do that anymore again.. :)

    1. I think I need to buy a cane and hang in the living room. Like Reana said, just for "show" and for threatening purposes.. To be honest, I "mm seh tak" use the cane and cane him la.. Maybe parents at this era are all like this, hehe.. Unlike my parents last time ahh, wah, use cane like drink water.. Cane until we no rasa liao lor..

    2. depends on kids also la. Like Lina's son so guai and can think very mature. Some are lembu pulak like you know who la...i wanna vomit blood jor...just yesterday makan stew pork with rotan...the play with keys for the cabinets till hilang jor. Now cannot open already. Warning hundreds time jor still degil. Lucky not house keys else i no nee masuk office today lor

    3. Wah bahaya oohh.. Play keys until hilang.. If play carkeys until hilang when you bring him outside, die oohh.. How to get in the car? Mafan lor.. Have to call hubby go home to help you take spare keys, etc..

      Keys for cabinet hilang still ok.. Wah if keys for the house or car hilang, I will vomit blood oohh.. Haiz...

  7. see, you were alright after that mah.. still make him his favorite strawberry pancake and also camwhore with him, hahaha!! but i guess the camwhoring with him was just an excuse for yourself to camwhore lah, "gaak ngaang" want to pull in Kenzie only mah.. but why you only camwhore with Kenzie and not Baby G?? and again, your ribbon not big and not sharp and not striking enough lah~~ hahahaha!! :D

    1. p/s: at first i thought your pancake are mushrooms (with the batang removed).. muahahaha!! until i read your description, baru know it's pancake~~ :D

    2. OMG!! SK!! **(shouting like mummy scolding son)**
      I'm laughing until I dunno what will terkeluar now.. fart, shit, urine, tears.. what else ???
      I speechless liao.. really..

    3. I also thought it was those rare mushrooms I saw at Emei Shan... Your pancake is new colour design?

    4. OMG, how come you and SK always sehati sejiwa one?
      Nobody mentioned it looked like mushrooms except you and SK la..

  8. Luckily your baby is safe!

    When I was in Primary 2, my very handsome looking classmate was playing at home with his sister with a pencil in his hand. It accidentally poked right into his eyeball and he was hospitalized for 1 month. He didn't go blind but the whole white area of his eyeball got scars with red and brown marks until today. He no longer looks handsome but scary. How sad!!

    1. My heart skipped a beat when I was reading your comment.
      To be really honest, when I read it poked right into his eyeball, I thought he would be blind permanently. It was a miracle he did not go blind. Gawd.
      White area of the eye having marks in return for not going blind, I think he should be thankful enuff.

  9. Please buy not one but 3 canes and hang it at home to scare your kids! You will not regret next time that the sight of a cane could tame them to be disciplined and obedient to the parents. Once in while use it to hit the tables loudly with your pontianak transformations when they are naughty. My mother did that on me and it worked!

    1. Yep, I would definitely buy a few canes to hang in the house.
      But it cannot be used many times tho', later they tarak rasa..

      Like you said, hit on the table or the floor, give them killer stares, I think that would work (for I don't know how long), but yes, that would work in the meantime.

    2. wei., house every room got one cane also he immune jor...Anay got what else tips to "tame" him ah? What else your parents did to "tame" you?

    3. My mum lastime did 2 things which scared me to hell:
      1) She pounded cili and threaten to rub it over my mouth (coz I like to bite my finger nails)
      2) She caught a cockroach and threaten to put it in my mouth (alive) if I don't stop biting my nails.

  10. Sometimes it is difficult for parents to be on their guard over the kids. They need to fall and break their bones sometimes to grow up. My siblings and I have so many mishaps to laugh over today.

    1. Fall down, bruises and what-not still ok and acceptable la..
      Part of growing up. But I hope *touch wood* nothing serious like go blind or lose a limb or leg la *choi choi choi*

  11. have got STYLE "P/S: Suka tengok boleh komen, kalau tak suka tengok, tak payah komen. "

    can i copycat this one and put in my blog ah? LOL

    1. I should put P/S: kalau tak suka tengok, tak payah tengok ...muhahaha....kasi stalker vomit blood

    2. Can, feel free to pick what you like..
      Yes, I very "yau sing kak" one, I write what I like lah, kan?

  12. wei..not your fault lah....accident happens leh. If you dont take the call if "jeng deng" it happen , it will happen also la. Part and parcel of life. No kena eyes okay la.

    KZ still young la. you cane him , he also tarak tau for what. if big like J then he knows la what he done wrong

    1. Ya lor, now thinking about it also.. Kenzie belum 3 yrs only leh, if I use the cane, he knows what's happening or not? No doubt he understands adult language and all, but still, 3 yrs old (to threaten) with cane, I also dunno "yau hau" mou...

  13. You pancakes looks good wor. yau moe yau yeng...prepack punya or you make from zero?

    1. Wah, thank you for praising my pancakes, I know la it looks ugly.. SK and TM said it looks like mushrooms without batang..

      Made from scratch:
      1 cup (self raising) flour
      1 egg
      1 heap tbsp (brown) sugar
      Half a cup milk
      Pinch of salt
      Quarter cup cooking oil

  14. Louiz, not your fault lah. Could have happen to any mum. Kenzie boy probably didn't realize that he could have harmed his baby bro. I suppose you told him what he did was bad. Poor baby G, luckily no serious damage. Mmmm....nice pancakes :)

    1. Yeah lor, lucky no serious injury, if not, I won't forgive myself leh..
      So now, with him around, I make sure I keep all sharp objects, including any kind of stationeries, and also those small-pieces thingy like mini magnetic alphabets/numbers.. Just in case..

  15. Aw! Don't beat yourself up over it! COuld happen to anybody! ANd you are a great mum from what I've been reading from your blog posts- and homemade pancakes at that :) p.s. Came over from Phong Hong's blog because I read about your rojak roast chicken. Not sure if you will see the comment I left there so i thought to come by to let you know. "Wow! Also would never have thought of mixing tomato sauce (such a western ingredient) with oyster sauce (such a Chinese ingredient) together as marinade. Genius! Both so rich in umami- definitely a flavour bomb!" Hehe. Thanks so much for sharing :)

    1. Hello Shu Han,
      Haha, thanks for your compliments. I am actually a very lazy mum. Kenzie boy is training to be diaper-free now, but sometimes, I still ask him to pee inside his diaper because I lazy la, to wash him and wear back his underwear for him each time he's done, keke..
      I always roast chicken (and other meat) because I'm lazy again, haha.. I marinade them, then just chuck them in the oven to let it do the rest for me.

  16. your son is the spitting image of you!!
