
Monday 20 January 2014

First Family Photo

Ok, if you have my fb, you have seen this. 

This is the first family photo taken in 2014. I must make it a point to take more family photos this year (and the years to come). 

I think I have not taken any (proper) family photo ever since Kenzie boy was born. There was one though, during my confinement. It was Kenzie boy's birthday and we bought a simple cake and just celebrated at home. No fancy food as I was still under confinement. Baby G was just 9 days old.

One thing about family photos (and also my other photos), I have to makesure I look pretty lah, haha. When I posted this in my fb, people asked how come Kenzie boy looked away. Well, of course there were a few with Kenzie boy (and baby G) looking straight at the camera! BUT (there'a a but)...... the mummy (ahem, yes, me) is not pretty in that picture, face a bit distorted, therefore I did not choose that photo. I must choose the one that I look pretty ma, don't you think? *sly grin*


  1. Agreed! Haha.

    Hard to get kids look straight into camera. My boy seldom look into camera when taking shot.

    I also dont have much family photo. The one in fb was taken in Zoo Negara when my boy was 1yo plus. Plan to take one in studio this year when my Jamie is 1 yo. ;( a proper family photo.

    1. Yep Rowena, have to make it a point to (self) take more family photos this year..
      Err, not having the studio photo taking in mind, I don't think the kids will have the patience la, especially the big one..

  2. It is nice to have many Family Portraits to keep as happy memories. The photo studios these days are so clever and creative to provide very good and interesting props to snap happy looking and crazy poses!! Unlike our time, everyone had to wear ties and looked like statues.

    So you should head to the photo studio once a year too when mood is right & happy!

    1. Oh yes, I remembered many donkey years ago, during our grandparents time, everything looked so formal, and yes, everyone was like statues.. Everyone must be very well-dressed, and guys must wear ties and a coat.. Duh..

    2. Bur if walk in mahal. Few hundred. Must muk those groupon offers rm38 or what. Cheaper.

  3. Wah! Your house has double doors like a Towkay's Mansion! More windfalls and luck can flow inside soon. You can buy a Gold Plated Ribbon with diamonds to wear soon!

    1. Eh, FYI, that's not my house.. This is my sister in law's house la.. We were there for her girl's (our niece) birthday party last weekend.. I live in a condo la by the way...

  4. I hope your sons will grow up smart and clever like mummy! The children needs parental care and guidance to become good citizens. I often felt sad to see many kids who were so bad mannered and even some adults were brainless even with a degree education. That was due to the core of child upbringing stage where they missed something.

    1. Hehe, I wish too.. I'm not clever la, I have my temper too.. I regret most of the time after I have done my actions, but regret also no use, already too late.. Kids learn very fast, and they pickup what the parents teach (and said)..

      There was a few times I shouted "shadap" to the boy when he made my blood boil, and now, when I ask him things, or ask him to pickup his toys, he answered "shadap you".. dear... I don't know whether to laugh or cry with his statement..

  5. aiyoh, nice family portrait lah, everyone was smiling so happily including Kenzie boy who looked away, but Baby G was still very not used to the camera??

    1. hahaha, choosing the one you look best and ignoring the others?? errr, quite normal also lah hor?? usually we also will choose one that we look the best, especially when the rest in the photos do not look at good so that can "chan tork" us to look even better right?? tsk tsk tsk.. but where was your big ribbon??!! you didn't wear your ribbon??!!

    2. yalah, take more family portrait while you still can lah.. maybe once a month and then you will have a chronological album to show how the boys grow up especially, and how beautiful you have become even after the time has passed.. muahahahaha!! truly, it's fun to look at the photos over time, especially if you are taking them with the same person at the same position and pose, a nice comparison.. :)

    3. aiyoh, i cannot comment more already lah.. seems like my comments are already longer than your post itself leh.. haha!! just like you type even longer in comments than my post also.. this is called what ah?? "mooi chai dai goh g yan poh", hahaha~~ :D

    4. Baby G 9 months nia, maybe he still don't know how to look at the camera kua.. But think think hor, impossible wor, coz the haupoh mummy (ahem, me), always selfie camera with baby G ger wor.. hehehehe..

      My ribbon ahh? Wah, you are very observant.. Yep, no big polka ribbon on that day.. Just a small bling-bling butterfly clip, hehe. See occasion jugak also ma.. If go to relative's house, all pakai house clothes, suddenly I go and put a giant ribbon, later kena gossip or kena stare ma.. I only put on my big ribbon at work, hehehe..

      Yeah, must make it a point to take more family photo this year, and yes, I will do as what you suggested.. Good idea to take with the same position, then we can compare how old we have became, hehehehe..

    5. aiyoh the big ribbon is your signature mah, see big ribbon and think of princess ribbon.. how can you not have that with you??!! this family portrait is big occasion mah, so have to put on your best accessories - the big pink polka dot ribbon and not butterfly la~~ :D

  6. I'm blogwalking from SK's blog =)
    nice to see your family photo, u look so young but aldy have 2 children?!!
    do mind to tell ur age haha, doubt that u haven't reach 30 right?

    1. Elo elo Chen Kings..
      Yep, I have two boys.
      I am in my mid 30's, Chinese age 34 :)

  7. You don't look like a mommy of two. What is your secret ;)
    Lovely family, lovely blog
    Follow each other.

    1. Hello izdiher. Thanks for dropping by my blog.
      Hehe, I don't have any secret, I don't like vege, I like meat only, so maybe that's the "secret"? Just guessing :)

  8. U r too honest la...should tau huin say coz that side is KZ best look mah. His best face look from side ways. Lol

    1. Good la you take family pic . Can show the kids whn they grow up. Me pulak very seldom take. Me not photogetic.

    2. Eh please la, you not photogenic? Puh-leese, you "kong yeh" ahh?
      Your face like anak dara you tau?

      Skin fair, face sharp like kuaci, body slim, appearance very fresh and skin damn smooth, you somemore say not photogenic?

  9. Hee..hee...I would do like you too. Choose the photo where I look good :)

    1. Yep, I guess it's normal rite..
      I was taking some pictures with my colleagues the other day, I still chose the one I looked best and posted in FB even though most of them were not looking at the camera (eye blinking, face distorted, etc), kekekeke..

  10. first time here, hehe.. nice family pic. my dear doesnt like photo together I dont know why ;(

    we seldom have family photo.. i guess a yr just once if we are lucky. lol

    1. Hello Sherry,
      Nice to see you stopping by my simple blog.
      Wah, you got so many blogs, haha, dunno which one to read first.
      Anyway, thanks for the compliment :)

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you CQUEK.
      Just simply taken by my niece only :)

  12. Hello pretty mama!!!

    I do realise that you have a signature smile in most of your picture... All look very pretty lah!!! No worries!

    I like your first 2014 photo! Very nice!


    1. Thanks Zoe..
      Yeah, more or less, my smile is the same, and usually, I tilt my head one side, depends on occasion, teehee..

  13. So sweet. Ummm...dress up nice nice lah.

    1. Attending my niece's birthday party, normal family gathering only, dress up not nice enuff ahh? Hehe

  14. Thanks for dropping by my blog! Nice family photos! :)

    1. Hi foong, yep, I stalk your blog, but I did not leave any comments previously :)
