
Wednesday 15 January 2014

Just The Two Of Us & Butter Cookies (With Dried Fruit)

Just the two of us yesterday as Baby G was at grandma's place, whereas the hubs was working, sigh. Well, not a bad thing afterall as I got to spend quality time with Kenzie boy.

Took him to the coffeeshop in the morning for breakfast, but I had to make it fast because he started getting restless and demanded for this and that after he finished his breakfast. Handling a restless toddler alone who refused to sit on the baby-chair and kept wanting to climb out of it while I was trying to finish my breakfast wasn't easy. Ended up I did not touch my breakfast, and left. Why?

Because: I was sweating all over my (pretty) face and body, my one hand was holding my glass of "leong sui" for Kenzie to suck (using straw), spilling here and there, my other hand was scooping up noodles using a spoon (yes, spoon, whatever I could grab hold with) to shove in my mouth (and my nice strands of hair kept "soaking" in the hakka mee gravy). And I need to takecare of the diaper-bag (with my wallet and tablet inside) which I put behind my seat. There was also a thermos with hot boiling water inside and when I leaned on the bag, gawd, I was sweating profusely already! Then, my handphone was beeping non-stop with whatsapp notifications (from my mum) and I had to check it just in case they were anything important. I could feel everyone in the coffeeshop was staring at me pathetically and thinking, "Poor little old fella, have to handle the cranky kid alone on a public holiday, where's the hubby?" 

Before going to grandma's place, we detoured to the hypermarket because I wanted to get something for my cookies. It was a fast process (and I had to be fast) because I already had in mind what I wanted to buy. I promised Kenzie boy if he was a good boy, then I would bring him for ice-cream. So I had to honour my word. Took him for an ice-cream treat before going back to grandma's place.

After spending some time at grandma's place, we left in the afternoon and before heading home, I drove-thru McD and got him a Happy Meal. He was quietly munching on chicken nuggets (and drinking Milo) all the way home. Reached home and I prepared the rascal for his afternoon nap. His battery has gone flat from walking and playing and eating (and travelling) from morning til afternoon.  

Now I have all the time (and peace) in the world to bake my cookies. This is a very simple and basic butter cookies recipe which I got from my dad. Nothing else but 1, 2 & 3. Yes, 1 cup sugar, 2 cups (I used Emborg brand) butter and 3 cups flour. I assumed 2 cups butter = 200g butter. It worked.

I mixed everything using my hands until it formed a firm dough. I pinched some dough and rolled into balls, then  pressed down lightly as I do not have any fancy cookie cutters. Topped with dried fruits (optional). 

Baked at 180 degrees for about half an hour. It was delicious and tasted like Danish butter cookies! 

Later in the evening, I made egg-mayo sandwich for Kenzie boy and also added other goodies on his plate for dinner. He did not eat much because his tummy was still full from all the nonsense food he had in the morning. He only finished the cheese, papaya and egg.  


  1. wah, your hubby was working on a national public holiday?? hahaha, wants to earn more money to buy more kangkung is it?? good also lah, at least you only have to take care of Baby G and not the other two boys of yours~~ :p

    1. muahahahaha!! very funny lah your 3rd paragraph, but of course i just laugh in heart lah, won't laugh like you until tears and farts also come, i very "si mum" one wokay?? and so leceh lah you gotta take care of Baby G and so many things, aiyoh, what i have in mind now is a real "si lai" juggling here and there, haha.. maybe those people who looked at you didn't think you are pathetic, but a very "bombastic" auntie~~ :D

    2. wah, bought Happy Meal to bribe Baby G and you had time to bake.. errr, sorry ah, but how come your cookies so light in color geh?? i would have expect that to be a little darker lah.. you said Danish cookies mah, so in my thought they look a lot more brownish or yellowish woh.. your cookies looks like "kong sou beng" with dried fruits to me.. ooopsss, sorry ah, i didn't mean to comment a lot lah, since i don't even bake at all.. just the look, but if you courier me some to try, surely i will think they are very tasty to eat lah.. :D

    3. wah, some more got "oi sum" bento for Kenzie woh.. hahaha!! got star and got heart, and what is that thing in the middle?? is it an owl or a snowman?? or was it the face of yourself?? muahahahaha :D

    4. Aiyoh, hubby's company is cinaman company, no choice lor.. They don't have holidays for these "small" occasions.. Really potong stim one lor..

      When one has holiday and the other doesn't, I will still be stuck at home taking care of the kid and doing (more) housework.. That's why I always say I prefer going to work sometimes..

      When there's a public holiday approaching, am sure everyone is excited looking towards it, but not for me lor, I will have phobia coz I gotta take care of the kids by myself again.. Yea yea, I know I am a bad mum..

    5. Ooohh the cookies I purposely didn't want to bake for so long until they brown, coz you see those Keldjen's butter cookies, where got brown brown one? They are very white one right?

      Oi sum bento? Mm fong mm oi lah.. Kenzie boy ate a bite here and there only.. Wasted all my effort.. He made faces and spit out most of the food, oh my god.. Yeah, I took those dried fruits from the cookies to form the eyes, nose and mouth.. I think it looks like my face lah, coz I got no more energy to layan him liao, kekekeke..

  2. It is always fun and relax bringing the eldest along.

    Nice cookies.

    1. Yep, altho he's cranky and fidgets a lot, bringing him out is always easier than bringing the small one coz he's still so small, 9 months.

      Oh yes, the cookies may not look nice here, but it certainly tastes nice. Just like store-bought Danish butter cookies, hehehehe..

  3. Hi Louiz,

    I bet that Kenzie is feeling full because he is munching too many delicious cookies... My son is always like this too whenever I baked cookies for him... I have to stop him from having too many :p


    1. Too much cookies, and he will be "yit hei" (heaty).. And the cough will come, sigh...
      But if he eats, I am happy.. He is a very fussy eater, so if he puts anything in his mouth (food I mean, hehe), then I'm happy..

  4. You're married? With kids? Gee! I thought you're some young girl...student or something. Lovely cookies!!!

    Thanks for dropping by my blog. Do hop over again sometime!

    1. I am in my mid 30's, married with two kids, age 3 years (in April 2014) and the small one is 9 months.. Hehe, detailed ahh?

      Oh yes, shall be komenting in your blog whenever I see updates from you :)

    2. Hello Aunty Ribbon! He just woke up to discover you are married!!!

  5. Hello Louiz, indeed you are one cute girl... mid 30's? Definitely you dont look like it, I guess you have been receiving a lot of comments like this... :)
    Nice cookies, I wish I am a little bit Rajin.. but I am really Malas as I get older... :(

    1. Hi Reana, I have seen your names in the blog-world and also FB, I hopped over to your blog before, just that I didn't leave any comments..

      Hehe, yep, I get that you-don't-look-like-you-are-30 something comments a lot, so I just smile lor.. I have a lot of wrinkles near my eyes when I am smiling la, you all didn't see it only :)

  6. Waaaah everyone is baking now!!! Almost every blogger is busy in the kitchen baking but no one sent to me! haiks!

    1. You can also bake ma.. I am still waiting for your red velvet cake (with cream cheese frosting)... Serious..

  7. I didn't know kids nowadays are so pampered until mothers have no time for themselves. The other day cannot pang sai and now no time to bake unless they go to sleep. My mother hung up a cane at the kitchen's door, so we could not disturb her.

    1. Hmm, maybe I can use your method too.. Ooops, I mean your mum's method.. Hang a cane near the kitchen, so that noone can come near when I'm working at the kitchen, wakakaka..

      But then, kids nowadays, they are not afraid of the cane.. Not like us lastime, see cane like see ghost, terus scared wor..

      Now ahh, the kid somemore bring the cane for you timm, like a joke.. Gawd, I dunno whether to laugh or cry if he brings the cane to me or use the cane to scratch his back :)

  8. I see most bloggers are baking easy cookies but no one makes Chinese kuehs, kueh kapit or Nin Gou. Too much work I guess.

    1. Kuih kapit lots of work leh, sanfu somemore, hehehehe.. But when makan, *ngap*, 1 mouth gone..
      Yep, seldom see ppl baking kuih bangkit too... All modern liao, bake tarts and pastries, kekekeke..

  9. Louiz, that platter you prepared for Kenzie boy is very cute. I particularly like the "face" (it is a face right?) in the middle of the second row. It made me laugh. Hah! Hah!

    1. Yeah, it's a face. I just simply used those dried fruits leftovers to make a face on the bread lor, to lure him to eat.. But that fussy eater just finished off the papaya, egg and cheese only, haih..
