
Friday 28 March 2014


EL stands for emergency leave. Actually it wasn't an emergency leave. But because I already took leave last week and another MC two weeks ago, so I just called to apply emergency leave that morning as I felt paiseh to submit my leave form to my immediate superior (again) if I'd applied a few days earlier.

I had to take leave because the hubs went to Singapore for work. Mum couldn't handle two rascals, so she took care of G (as usual) and I took care of Kz. Sent him to the kindy that day and I had all day to myself.

And so, I drove to Berjaya Time Square (BTS) for shopping. Call me cheapo or whatever you want but I like shopping there. Every corner I go or every shop I enter, I always can get some nice stuffs at very (and I mean, very) cheap price. 

Upon arrival, brunch first (11am), at Wendy's. I had a mushroom-melt cheese burger combo that came together with a (fizzy) drink and a cheesy fries. I ordered another chilli-cheese nachos too.

Ooops, wait, another picture after I've bitten into the burger *slurps*

Ok, tummy full already. Time for shopping.

I need cardigans. I wear a cardigan to work everyday. Yes, everyday. There will not be one day you see me without a cardigan. My style is always a dress (mostly with ribbons tied behind) with a long-sleeved cardigan. Everyday. Yep, Princess Ribbon style. 

Got it. Grabbed all the colours available. Same design, different colours only.

Next? Shoes? Yep, let's look for flats. I wear flats to work. I don't wear heels. There, you know another thing about Princess Ribbon already.

Here are my flats. Grabbed all the designs available. Again, same design, different colours only.

Wait, wait. I still have slippers. Two pairs. Same design, different colours (again) only.
P/S: My style, my cardigans, my flats, my slippers, my like, my sukak!

Went home. Had my afternoon nap, boy that felt so good. My me-time. Woke up, picked Kz up from his kindy, drove out (again) to buy dinner, but he only ate one fishball, *damn*

Finish story - end of my EL.

Tuesday 25 March 2014


No, not me. I had mine when I was 6.

It's G. G got the pox from his elder brother who had it about 3 weeks ago. Then 3 weeks after, it's now G's turn. The pox virus incubated in him for about 3 weeks before they finally decided to pop out. So please don't be too happy (yet) to see the other sibling not encountered with the pox after the one with chicken pox recovers after 3 weeks. The other sibling might have the pox after everything seems to be fine.

Been there, tried that.

The chicken pox vaccination is given to babies usually on the 13th month. G is only 11 months, and he has already got his chicken pox, so there's no need for the vaccination already. Kenzie of course had his vaccination when he was 13 months, and the result were very significant. His pox size were bigger, but they came out and dried up very fast, like in a few days then kautim liao. G's poxes on the other hand dragged for a week already, and there are stil new ones til today.

G keeps scratching everyday. 

No porridge in the meantime as porridge will trigger fever. Oats or (blended) maceroni/pasta will have to do in the meantime. I feed him with oats/blended pasta with vegetable purees. Sometimes oats with Bovril.

No eggs too. Ohh this is Kz's half-boiled eggs, I make sure the yolks are somewhat cooked and not too runny or raw.

Latest photo of G before being sent back to my parents' last weekend. Get well soon baby. Mummy's life is in a mess. *smooch*

Thursday 20 March 2014

Figurines, Frog & Food

Look at the dinosaur figurines. Coincidentally, all the dinosaur comes in pairs. One is on four, the other on two. So I tried to arrange them in this position, and see, aren't they perfect? I know what are you thinking, you hamsap! Err, pot calling the kettle black, I'm like that too, gee.

Wait, out of topic. Kenzie boy sleeps like that now. Does your kid sleep like that too? He looks like a frog. Boo!

We had some time that day, so we took the kids out for jalan-jalan. I always take pictures (of the food) when we (could) eat out because I always feel it's a rare occasion, hehe. Believe me, ever since having Kenzie 3 years ago, we seldom go out, eat out, make up, dress up & show up! Ahem, nice phrase, eh?

Anyway, back to the topic, that afternoon, we settled at Ichiban Ramen, located inside Jusco Cheras Selatan - the hub's favorite. We ordered fried ebi for appetizer. Prawn tempura served with a simple salad.

Next, we also ordered gyoza for appetizer. I must have gyoza if I dine in a Japanese restaurant. I can't live without gyoza. I heart gyoza so very much. Talking about gyoza, whenever I dine at Esquire Kitchen, I must order their Shanghai dumplings (woh-teep), either the fried or the steamed ones, or both. 12 each. Means I can finish 24!

The hubs had beef ramen. It was so good. The soup was very flavourful.

I had the chicken karaage ramen. Don't ask what is karaage, because I also don't know, haha. I only remembered the menu written as karaage. I didn't bother asking the waiter what is karaage as there was a picture of this in the menu, so by looking at the picture, it looked safe and ok, so I just went ahead and ordered this.

Kid's meal at RM12.90 per set. Fried rice set with prawn tempura, sausages, assorted balls, jelly and a Vitagen.

Spot that cute adorable Hello Kitty plate? Wait, I have a Hello Kitty water bottle too. Let me put my picture here first. Say cheese!

Needless to say, Kenzie did not touch anything on his set except 1 piece of jelly and he finished the whole Vitagen. 

Lord, please help me. I am willing to do anything to see Kenzie eat normally. Please answer my prayers, Amen.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

My Brownies, My Like!

My cream cheese's gonna expire this week. Wait, what?! This Saturday? Open your eyes bigger - 22nd March 2014!

I have to think of something - fast. I saw this from Zoe when I was blog-walking the other day. Not as perfect as hers but it was still the tastiest brownies in the world! Great recipe! If you are reading this, I already commented in your blog, but I need to say it again here - I love you, dearie Zoe. 

Wait, dah masak ke belum nie? The whole thing looks wobbly. But it did say if poked with a knife, it will come out (still) wet. Ok, safe. 

I followed instructions and refrigerated it for a while after it cooled down - for easy handling & cutting. 100% agreed!

Boy, that was the tastiest, chewiest, ooey-gooey-iest (wait, is that a word?) I've ever tasted on earth! Even the hubs who doesn't like desserts and cakes gave me a perfect 10! He couldn't wait and dug in with a spoon before I could take any pictures. I didn't get mad or raised my voice because 'nan tak' he eat wor, takkan I nak bising lagi, kan? He guessed if I had wanted to cut it and take pictures (for my blog), I would have done it the minute I took it out from the oven as always.

He finished half of the "slab" in seconds, yes, digging with spoon. (He would have eaten less if the brownies were nicely & neatly cut into squares).

Princess ribbon favourite phrase ~ My brownies, my like, my sukak!

Friday 14 March 2014

A Mini Announcement & Steamed Cupcakes

Hello dearies & sweeties,
I have a mini announcement to make. I have just changed my blogger name to Princess Ribbon, as given to me by those crazy bloggers whom I have known here from the bloggerworld. They are nice people, and whatever they suggest, I will consider. Glamour, heh? I think Princess Ribbon is more vogue la, rather than using my real name to blog. So, Princess Ribbon it will be, kay?

Ok, back to my post for the day. It's about bedtime snack and steamed (Milo) cupcakes.

Kenzie kept saying he wanted to have cake that night. He kept saying "I want cake". Then after a few minutes, he repeated, "Mummy, I want cake". I ignored. Then he said, "I want birthday cake". I told him it was already late and we couldn't buy any cake, we can have cake on other days. He then sang the Happy Birthday song and kept repeating he wanted cake. I think there were birthday celebrations for some kids at the kindergarten, he kept singing the Happy Birthday song whole of that week. 

So I was thinking, ok, why not steam some cupcakes for him. It was a very simple and fast process, so why not?

I quickly prepared my ingredient and mixed everything together. No measurements, I just dumped in whatever I felt right ~ a few tablespoons self-rising flour, a few tablespoons Milo, one tablespoon icing sugar, one egg, few tablespoons cooking oil, half a cup of milk and a small handful of chocolate chips. I poured into my paper cupcakes and (regretted) sprinkled some confetti on top of my cupcakes and steamed for about 15 minutes. 

Boo! Big mistake! Look at the smeared cupcakes. Stupid confetti. Should have made-do without it or only sprinkled them when the cake was almost done.

Nevertheless, Kenzie was patiently waiting by my side for the cupcakes to be ready, and he was very excited when he saw me taking out the cakes from the steamer. I let him wear a birthday hat, heh.

He just couldn't wait to dig in. But I said wait, let mummy take picture first. Afterall, being able to make four cupcakes in 15 minutes is a (very) clever thing already, because I'm not a good cook, and I don't bake (nor cook) very well.

Hang on there for just a few more seconds, baby. Mummy needs to take more pictures first, so that can have more choices to choose later (for my blog), hehe.

Ok, ready to be eaten now. He finished one cupcake, and asked for another one after that. I had to say no because it was almost time for bed and I was a bit worried on the sugar rush and all.

So, Kenzie had one cupcake. Mummy had half and daddy had half. So there were two cupcakes left. Guess where it went? No prize for guessing correctly though. Yep, packed individually for two jokers colleagues and brought to work the next day. Though a bit dry and yucky the next day, they still stuffed into their mouths and kept praising very nice & good good!  

I grinned the whole day.

Monday 10 March 2014


So, we went to Station One cafe opposite Leisure Mall, Cheras and had quite a heavy dinner. The hubs, me and Kenzie boy. (Baby G was at my parents', just in case you are wondering).

We ordered:
1) A pumpkin soup
2) Salmon steak for the hubs
3) Cheesy chicken maryland for me
4) Salmon spaghetti for Kenzie boy (he could wallop almost 3/4 of the portion)
5) Fried mantou in Szechuan gravy
6) Sausage platter
*#5 & #6 are for sharing
I am a big eater. I can eat you too if possible. Ooops, what did I just say? Chisin. 

But really, I am a glutton. Everyone who knows me know I eat a lot. I can eat 3-4 people's share, alone. Of course when I go out for lunch with colleagues during working days, I only order one portion for myself. I have to pretend to look pretty in front of them, yes? 

But if I eat out with the hubs in a kopitiam or any char-chan-teng, here are what we will usually order: Beef noodles for him, cheese baked rice for myself, another chicken chop for sharing, one wanton soup (or fried wanton/sui kow), french toast (with peanut butter, honey & butter drizzled on top), oohh and maybe one egg&ham sandwich or a pork burger. I think that's about it.

And if he is full and doesn't want to touch a single thing anymore after he finishes his noodles, I can wallop EVERYTHING by myself, no joke.  

Oohh, should I tell you too that I can eat 30 pieces of Ikea meatballs at one go? You know, the beef meatballs with brown gravy and a dollop of jam, served with fries, in Ikea? Yes, I can eat 30 pieces of balls. Plus fish & chips. Plus maybe 3-4 chicken wings. Lastly, a Daim cake (you can't get anywhere else but Ikea).    


Monday 3 March 2014

The Promise

Ok, here you have it.

I promised a blogger (you know who you are) that I will write a post about my "hau poh" stuffs (he always means my ribbons and clips and all), so it has to be my dressing table.

So here's a look at my dressing table. 

From left: rubber bands, bobby pins, some wristlets, aligator hair clips, necklaces, polka ribbons, floral ribbons, two-toned ribbons, all kinds of ribbons, danggling ear-rings (I love bling-bling dangling ear-rings, I have more than 30 pairs!), more hair clips, mostly flower-shaped ones, colourful cutie bangles and lastly, scrunchies. I think you can see about 20 scrunchies there. 

Oohh, did I forget about the hair-bands? I don't have many hair-bands, so these are the only ones I can showcase here. If you realize, all my hair-bands have ribbons on them.

Then you can see a red heart. Inside the red heart box are all my skincare, mask, serum, eye gel and other what-nots. The purple box behind the red heart box is to put my panty liners. Ooops, am I being too straightforward? Is straightforward good? Nah, nevermind, you are a lady too, come on, don't tell me you don't use panty-liners.

If you realize, I don't put on any make-up. I don't make-up when I go to work everyday (but I do put on make-up if I have a job interview, shhh). Ahem, I am naturally pretty already, so no need to make-up. Nah, kidding. I don't put make-up because almost all cosmetics (even expensive ones) will make my skin sensitive and will develop rashes after that. It usually takes about a week to recover! Gosh, I don't want that on my pretty face for a week. 

I only have a simple lip gloss and eye shadow just in case, but that have been in the drawer for two years, yes, two years! I think they may have gone bad by now. But am still keeping it, you know, just in case. Alright, call me kiamsap or cheapskate, whatever. 

For the next "project" I might write a post about my wardrobe and my "hau poh" dresses. Who's interested? Yay or nay?